Thursday, June 26, 2008

Way Cool

Successful RTO

Emerging technology

Details of project

Charles Darwin University (NT)

E-portfolios/web 2.0 tools:
"Engaging student self-directed learning through the use of e-portfolios"

The CDU trial will explore e-portfolio access issues and the use of social networking/web 2.0 tools with e-portfolios. The implications of social networking on policy and best practice; and required features of VET e-portfolio systems will also be explored.

Canberra Institute of Technology (ACT)

Virtual worlds:
"Eduversal Studios – virtual worlds in VET"

The CIT trial will provide VET practitioners with strategies to develop virtual teaching spaces and practices and lower the barriers to incorporating virtual worlds into VET for teachers and learners.

TAFE Tasmania (TAS)

"Technology assisted workplace training, assessment and recognition"

The TAFE Tasmania trial will use the Framework's QTImPlayer with 'camera glasses' to enable apprentices and trainees to record video of tasks to provide evidence of their competency. The camera glasses are worn by students to record their activity when doing remote workplace assessment.

Wodonga TAFE (VIC)

Mobile devices:
"RFID and the asynchronous student"

The Wodonga TAFE trial will make use of RFID (radio frequency identification) technology to create a self-guided induction tour of a workshop used by metal fabrication and cabinet making students. Similar in concept to the self-guided tours in museums and art galleries, the trial team will use a combination of online, PDAs (personal digital assistants) and RFID technology to create an interactive induction journey through the department.

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