Friday, April 18, 2008

...of the round table

Podcasting group discussions from any place at all hey?

People are using skype to make group podcasting a breeze. But the instructions to this method leave me thinking there must be an easier way. Jon Udell gave me a clue here.

The good news, since the last
time I tried this, is that it’s easier to
record Skype calls. The recipes
used to involve a whole lot of baling wire and
black magic. But now there
are Skype add-ins that simplify things quite a bit.
For today’s test I used
two different products:
MX Skype Recorder for Windows, and the Ecamm Call Recorder for the

Of the tools i am using,
rodepodecaster has proven to be fantastic although an even louder microphone would be better, maybe i can boost gain through a pre-amp, or mbox type device.

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