Saturday, June 19, 2010

Mobile bring the news OutBack <--

Here is the situation. I'm holidaying outback in the NT with my new little family, and just had a great night at my sisters wedding, that involved dancing to dub beats in the desert with fresh Barra served round the fire.

I wake up this morning at our Katherine based accommodation and take the baby for a walk to give my wife an extra sleep in. I go to grab the Weekend Australian at the Kiosk, which by Sunday morning, should have arrived for my ritualistic devouring.

They don't have it, and say it's probably not even in town. *my goodness*, it occurs to me, that as my Blackberry Storm has been picking up pretty good Internet data even on EDGE, that if i had an iPad with the new The Australian app, I could be the one guy in town with the nations leading newspaper. It surprises me since there are so many good articles written about NT issues in The Australian, and that the locals wouldn't even know about it. iPads and other 'reader' devices will bring change to the landscape of print media not just for the big city in Australia, but even more so for those places, where newspapers can't be expected to arrive before the news gets old.

p.s. We found a paper delivered a day late for $4.80, for same price we could get every issue on the iPad for a month.

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