I have bee working on a particular set of learning objects and wanted to have some consistency in my design approach. I came up with the SCAR model.
- Story
- Content
- Action
- Reflection
This is the model so far, each word describes the approach for an element in a single learning object. At this stage it is more of a planning tool than an underpinning theory of learning design but here are my thoughts on its merit for shaping a quality E-learning experience.
STORY is one of the most powerful learning tools used in the past and present. Beginning with a story puts the learning in context, invites the learner into the learning experience in a relational way. It also is loaded with emotional, cultural and social connections for the learner.
CONTENT in most cases, needs to be 'pinned' down somewhere, while a story tells a thousand words, the content element formalises the key learning concepts, language and models.
Our Training organisation has followed an ACTION + REFLECTION model for many years.
" An un-reflected experience is a lost experience"Action being interactive and focused more on the skills, than the knowledge. The reflection element is formative assessment for the full object experience.
The fifth element...
- Extension
- Network
Two extra elements are both related to the need for learners to be able to extend their learning, or go beyond the object experience by going to other learning sources (Social Networks, Blogs, Wiki's). Extensions would be created and defined by the learning designer, eg. Support site with further information linked by tags in the learning object.
Network describes the wider context within which the learner is using the object. This includes peers on or off line as well as online resources that the learner may search within to extend their understanding.
Q. How can E-learning objects work in synergy with Web 2.0 constuctivist learning experiences?
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